Jul 27, 2012


Do you recognize that I have added a banner to this blog?

I didn't use shabbyblogs's background anymore, too.

For me, using background make me want to change it over and over again, because I am a person that easily get bored with something. So, rather than keep changing background, I use plain template to avoid from keep-changing-background-because-i-see-a-better-background syndrome.

I am going to make some change to my blog, but my laptop is a little bit weird.

My blog's appearance is different when I open it with my laptop and when I open it with PC.

FYI, tomorrow (28th of July) I am going to "watch a movie". If you read my posting a month ago, and if you understand Bahasa or if you know the not-so latest update/news about Westlife, you should know what I am going to "watch".

I'm going to watch Westlife's Farewell Concert at Blitzmegaplex Central Park.

Thank God, my parents let me buy the tickets although it's a little bit expensive, about 125.000 IDR+Tax (I don't know if it's tax or what, grand total about 129.000 IDR).

Actually, it's a little bit shocking for me, only a few people (based on what I see at the website) bought the tickets. 

It breaks my heart knowing, and remember that they won't reunite and make any songs with 'Westlife' as the artists. (maybe I'm over-reacting, I know)

Anyway, there is no subtitles, of course, it's a concert, not a movie.. but still, I have heard they speak English before, and I can't understand what they said. They speak very fast and fluent (bad ear, I know) and if I'm not wrong, they use British English..

So, wish me luck! Hopefully, God bless me and there is a miracle that I can understand what they are saying. (and my english suddenly become better than before, HAHAHA)


Aiiihhh, geli abis, gw tulis hampir full pake bahasa inggris, jadi maluuuuu ( ื▿ ื ʃƪ) (emoticon sama tulisan gak sinkron, gue tau) 

Gue mau belajar inggris, sepertinya geli abis gue pake inggris kok grammar nya kayaknya ngaco, terus gw bingung kata yang ini jdi apa kalo di inggrisin, gatau pake past tense ato present continuous ato simple present, haduh, dilema nih..

Anyway, ada yang tau cara belajar Inggris yang efektif tanpa harus les? Atau ada yang mau jadi guru Inggris gw GRATIS (tulisin ulang paragraf 'wacana' Inggris diatas dengan grammar yang benar) :P ? Boleh contact gue, gue bersedia jadi murid lu kalo gratis, buahahah

Btw, di blitzmegaplex boleh rekam film yang sedang di putar pake handycam gak? *whoops

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